NY Senate Open Legislation – Authorizes Additional Regulation Of Taxicabs, Limousines & Livery Vehicles.

Attention NY State Livery & Taxi operators!
NY State just passed a bill through the local governments committee that makes it easier for Cities , Towns & Villages to add additional regulation to your industry.
This bill is Sponsored by Senator Martins, out of Long Island. There are no co-sponsors on this bill. In addition, there is no assembly bill. In order for a bill to pass and become law it must pass both houses ( Senate and Assembly) and be signed into law by the Governor.
Currently, the Senate bill has only passed the local governments committee. Next, the bill would be called to the Senate floor by either Dean Skelos and Jeff Klein the Majority leaders of the NYS Senate.
The Senators that passed the bill on the local governments committee are from Fairport-Rochester, Syracuse , Albany, Oswego, Halfmoon, Poughkeepsie, Garden City Park.
If you click on the links in the vote committee you can contact the representatives that voted yes , you can also contact your local representative and ask them not to support this bill!
Ayes (9): Martins, Ball, Boyle, Marchione, Ritchie, Valesky, Gipson, Latimer, O’Brien
S4811-2013 Memo
BILL NUMBER:S4811 REVISED 5/2/13 TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the general municipal law, in relation to ordinances to regulate taxicabs, limousines and livery vehicles PURPOSE: To clarify section 181 of the General Municipal Law to ensure that cities towns and villages have the authority to regulate limousines and livery vehicles operating in their jurisdiction. SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1: Amends Section 181 (1) of the General Municipal Law by adding the words "limousines and livery vehicles" in the appropriate places to clarify the statute. Sections 2: Establishes the effective date. JUSTIFICATION: The State of New York enacted section 181 of the General Municipal Law to give cities, towns and villages the authority to regulate taxis, limousines and livery vehicles in their jurisdictions. Cities are now having issues with livery vehicles acting as unregulated taxis that don't have to meet the settle local licensing and safety standards as taxis. This technical correction will make clear that cities, towns and villages have authority to regulate limousines and livery vehicles as was intended. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: This is a new bill. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None to the state. EFFECTIVE DATE:; This act shall take effect immediately. Original Link to Bill On NY State Website